Frequently Asked Questions
I work at a family medicine clinic that does a lot of worker's comp injury care. How can MedFocus Consulting help?
MFC offers a full range of occupational medicine services that can help formalize worker’s compensation injury care. These include a system of communication tools and documents that can streamline the process and lessen the paperwork burden. We can also provide education services for providers and support staff to help them better understand the complexities of worker’s comp.
My medical center does not have a formal occupational medicine clinic. Can you help us develop one?
The answer is a resounding yes. MFC can deliver a complete turnkey clinic operation that includes clinic design layouts, all necessary paperwork tools, education of providers and support staff and billing.
Our occupation medicine clinic has been losing market share in our community. We know we need to improve but don't know where to start. Can MFC help?
MFC can help you with an analysis of your market and clinic operations to determine its strengths and weaknesses. Based on this we will provide a comprehensive plan to play to your strengths and help solve issues. The goal will be to develop a high quality occupational medicine delivery system tailored to your community and clinic needs.
My clinical system has a number of regionally based clinics that use mid-level providers to do work comp care. Do you have a solution to providing oversight of their care?
MFC has developed telemedicine based solutions for occupational medicine clinic oversight.